Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Break Photos

1. Cityscape... I was in Binghamton with a friend and decided to take pictures of the architecture.
2. Reflections... I was experimenting with reflections. I came up with a lot of cool images, mostly confusing and abstract... this one is some pine branches reflected in a bucket of water. I like the colors.
 3. Nikki, my dog! ... I had to put 2 up for this one... the first one i like because of the lighting and how regal she looks... come on... thats a respectable hound. The 2nd is just hilarious and though not very technically good... its very blurry from motion and out of focus and a little dark, but I really like the action in it.
                     4. The Kill.... My cat brought me a present and as grotesque as it sounds, I took pictures of him devouring it. I wish the sky wasn't so blown out in this one, but I really like how clearly defined the bird is and how the cat is towering over him.
5. Flowers... Self explanatory.

 and here's my cat thinking deeply about his life:

1 comment:

  1. I love photos of reflections so the second one really interests me. I love how the color of the branches are still so saturated even in the reflection. Very cool and abstract.
