Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Composition Assignment

Close: I arranged them tightly as well as placed them right in front of my lens.
 Far: Placed the objects far apart and only let them take up a small part of the space to emphasize the distance.

 High: Stacked the objects to convey a tower
 Low: This on I struggled with... I placed the smaller objects on the table and took the picture from above the tallest object to try and show the difference.
 Balanced: Pretty self-explanatory...
 Disorderly: I placed everything about in a random pattern and leaning on each other and open and such and had it breaking to frame to make it seem more chaotic and uncontained.
Dark: Using black and white, underexposed this one, but not too extreme.
Bright: Still black and white, but overexposed it and used the flash... I really like the shape of the lens and how you can see into it.


  1. love the composition of the high picture, the tower was a really cool idea. Also love how the last photo looks like a fish eye. kudos to you for having a film camera!

  2. I love the close vs far, in my opinion they are the most effective out of all of them. I also really like your bright photograph. The lens just draws you right into the photo and it also has a good use of the rule of thirds.

  3. My favorites are the last ones that you chose to do in black and white. I like the over exposed and under exposed idea and the fact that it is well suited for your subject matter. I love the contrasts.
